
Tree work is truly an art form that requires a variety of skills. From basic branch trimming, to tree removals, retrieving cats from trees, and diagnosing illnesses in plant life, arborists do a lot. But what makes a tree surgeon great? All of the world’s best arborists set goals for themselves. Goals help them to stay focused on doing the best work they possibly can and progressing in life and on the job.

We've complied a list of core values that pretty much the best arborists seem to share in common.

1. Never Stop Learning

The arborist trade is always changing with new tree climbing gear and tree rigging gear coming out and people constantly trying new ways to get the job done. Even older arborists often want to try progressive climbing and rigging methods and techniques, like Single Rope Technique/SRT. As the years go by tree workers are finding safer and more efficient ways to access trees, prune, and remove dead trees. Even things like applying fertilizers and watering trees are constantly evolving in arboriculture.

2. Ensure that Your Team is Safe

Tree climbing is dangerous; there’s no two ways about it. Because of this, many people have lost coworkers or have gotten seriously injured on the job. It doesn’t take long for someone who cares about tree work to develop a deep respect for safety.

3. Show Respect to Nature

Anyone with a saw and a ladder can butcher a tree with bad practices like over pruning and spraying gross chemical pesticides. A good arborist either starts out with or develops a love for trees and nature. You will see that many of the guys that have been around for the longest consider themselves advocates for trees and conservation. 

4. Spread Knowledge

Tree guys love talking about trees and tree work. Great arborists tend to see the opportunity to train apprentices and green horns on the job as an honor, despite the fact that it can be a huge pain in the ass. The traditions passed down from tree worker to tree worker are considered almost sacred by the people who care the most about arborist work.

5. Take Care of Yourself & Provide for Your Family

Staying safe and making honest money to put food on the table and keep a roof over your family’s head… These are all high priorities for pretty much every arborist out there.  

6. You are Your Best Piece of Gear

Tree workers love their tree climbing ropes, their bull rope rigging line, their throwlines, new head gear, new saws - even good gloves and throw bags. However, as much as tree guys love their arborist gear, the best arborists all know that learning new skills and acting smart on the job will always be the most important part of doing good tree work. 

7. Do Right by Your Customers & Clients

Customers can feel like your enemy when they are whining and making your life hard in every way possible. Even worse, some of them refuse to pay what they owe you. At the end of the day though, good arborists have to remember that they are out there providing a service for their customers and their communities.

Whether it is removing dangerous limbs from trees, saving a tree that has sentimental value to someone, or helping a cat that is struck in a tree, the heart of tree work is often found in providing a valuable service. 

8. Navigate Stress Effectively

Arborist work is stressful work. Tree workers are always trying to figure out ways to set up and take down climbing systems and rigging systems with fewer headaches. Time in the trees between setting up and cleaning up are the moments that arborists who love their job live for. Tree time is what keeps most arborists doing tree work.

9. Never Get Bored

Tree workers notoriously hate being bored and hate waiting around. If you talk to just about any arborist they will tell you that their worst nightmare is working a job that keeps them inside. 

10. Staying Healthy

Climbing trees is an incredible workout and requires incredible fitness. Continuing to do it for years will mean that you have to stay healthy. To put it simply, people who aren’t healthy are really going to struggle to do tree work.

Forward & Onward

Well, we have taken up enough of your time with this article. It’s time for us to get going and for you to get to making your dreams real. Here’s to hoping you reach all of your goals in both your personal life and at work!