
Rigging Equipment

Whether you’re in construction, performing rescue missions, or are a professional climber, rigging and lifting supplies are vital to your objective.

Buying the wrong equipment can throw a wrench into even the simplest operation.

For this reason, it’s important to know how to find not only the best rigging and lifting equipment, but the equipment that’s right for your particular job.

Here’s how to buy rigging supplies that will help you, rather than hinder you.

Types of Rigging Equipment and Lifting Equipment

Before going into what you should buy, it’s best to understand what you can buy.

When it comes to rigging equipment, you’re mostly dealing with eye straps, hooks, pulleys, swivels, and a number of other gadgets. While each of these materials is small and simple, a successful rigging job can’t be done without them working together.

For lifting equipment, you’re looking at blocks, chokers, connectors, hooks, swivels, and more. As with rigging, each of these small devices plays a big role in pulling off the job.

Other materials, like ropes and dynamometers, are going to be an important part of both rigging and lifting projects.

Assess the Temperature and Environment

Rigging Equipment

Depending on the temperature and environment that your job will take place in, you’ll require different rigging and lifting equipment.

For instance, if you’re going to be in an environment with high levels of moisture or salt water spray, you’ll want to opt for stainless steel wire ropes. These ropes are designed to withstand the harsh impact of seawater.

If you find yourself in an urban environment, you should probably go for the Fire Fighter Hook, which is big enough to latch onto ladder rungs, railings, and fire escapes.

Ideally, you’ll want to find equipment that can be relied upon in both hot and cold climates, such as this dynamometer. No matter where you’re at, you can always count on it to rise to the occasion.

Understand Your Load Limit

Rigging Equipment

Knowing your load limit is fundamental of rigging and lifting. It should be done before any parts are purchased or assembled because each individual piece of equipment has its own load limit.

Therefore, you must make sure that all of your pieces are capable of handling the same amount of weight. Otherwise, things could get ugly.

Luckily, most pieces of equipment come in a wide variety of strengths. If your current stainless steel carbine snap hook isn’t capable of handling your load, you can purchase a stronger version of the same hook.

Not only is this convenient, but it prevents the discomfort of having to replace your parts with brands that you’re not familiar with. You can rest easy that you’re still using reliable equipment that you know works.

A Simple Guide for How to Buy Rigging Supplies and Lifting Supplies

Rigging and lifting is a team effort, not just by the people involved, but by the individual pieces of equipment. Nearly useless by themselves, they come together to get a difficult job done.

Consequently, each of these pieces of equipment needs to be specially fitted for the job at hand. Whether it’s a hook, a rope, or a dynamometer, careful consideration should be given to their capabilities.

Among the most vital considerations for this type of equipment are weather resistance and weight limit, each of which can turn the tide of a job.

Once these considerations are taken care of and the proper equipment is purchased, there’s nothing stopping you from a successful project.

Are you interested in buying rigging or lifting equipment? If so, visit our store at We sell rigging and lifting supplies for every load limit, weather condition, and environment.